This one 2nd part of series IGNOU BCA project proposal preparation series. In this part I will show screen shots of various elements of synopsis. Major parts of BCA Synopsis Major parts of BCA synopsis:
After finalizing the topic, the students should send the Project Proposal Proforma along with the synopsis as well as a CV of the guide to the Regional Director of the concerned Regional Centre after they complete the project in all aspects. Any incomplete project gets rejected.
Ignou Bca Project Synopsis Examples
If your project gets approval, well and good. But, if it is rejected, you will get suggestions for reformulating the project. In that situation, you will need to carry out the suggested changes, prepare a revised project synopsis in addition to a new Performa, and then re-submit it along with a copy of the earlier synopsis non-approval project proposal Performa.
IGNOU BCA/MCA Projects Download 2021-22:-The ignou project learners may make sure that the first Project Report is to be scanned during a single PDF format file for one Subject/Course, to enable the Regional Centre / all the Students Evaluation Division to download an equivalent during a single PDF format file for further action.
The IGNOU synopsis is the plan for your IGNOU project. It provides the rationale for the research, the research objectives, the proposed methods for data collection and recording formats and/or questionnaires and interview guides. The synopsis is based on the information provided by the supervisor(s) and by secondary sources of information. In the final report you will present the results of your data collection and elaboration, with the discussion and the conclusion. The full IGNOU synopsis should be maximum 3-4,000 words, excluding appendices. Following is the characterization for the project proposal/synopsis:
I have taken admission in mcom this year 2022-23 in ignou. i am facing problem how to download admit card. Our college center is not giving proper answer regarding anything regarding books or project or exam forms when i asked them they say no need to worry you can give exam next year. I dont want to ruin my year. Anyone plz help me out plz. 2ff7e9595c